Varanasi Hospital

Gallbladder Surgery Laparoscopic surgery

Can Being On A Crash Diet Results In Gallstones? Let’s Find Out

Can Being On A Crash Diet Results In Gallstones? Let’s Find Out

Are you starving yourself to facilitate excessive and hasty weight loss? Do you know that your starvation diet can not only land you up to the hospital but also give you troubling gallstones that can disrupt the digestive system. Our renowned laparoscopic surgeon, Dr. Manish Jindal comments that rapid and abrupt weight loss is as much as a culprit for blooming gallstones like obesity.

The question is why weight loss is the offender in this case and why we should be concerned about it. The reason being that when you follow a crash diet or to put it more clearly when you choose to starve yourself, your liver works overtime and releases extra cholesterol into the bile juice, further triggering gallstones.


If you are planning to lose weight, then instead of losing weight at one go, you should rather try to shed extra weights slowly but surely and that too by following your doctor’s suggested diet-plan. Some foods increase the advancement of gallstones, so it’s always wise to steer clear of them as much as possible. Eating a healthy diet lowers the possibility of gallstones formation.

We have perfectly established the fact that weight or BMI (Body Mass Index) influences gallstones. People who go for weight loss surgery can also become the victim of these symptomless stones. So it’s always better to have a detailed conversation with your doctor before undergoing bariatric surgery. A diet low in calories is not going to be your best friend when it comes to gallstones. The daily calorie intake for an average man should be no less than 2500 calories a month, for woman, the calorie count should be 2000 kcal in number. These numbers are just a rough estimation as your calorie count depends on other important factors like your age, height, weight, and lifestyle. For instance, if you live a physically active lifestyle, you’ll require more calories to function in your daily life.


We hope we were able to make you understand that crash or fad diets are not as good as it is claimed by certain people. If your gallstones need a gallstone operation, then give Varanasi Hospital the privilege to provide you with a permanent cure. We provide gallbladder stone surgery and laparoscopic gallbladder stone surgery and that too with cashless hospitalization.


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Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.


I, Shail Bala Srivastava, known of Diabetic, Hypertensive and had heart attack & had undergone Bypass surgery. I was suffering from Gall Bladder Stone.


Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.

Our Location​​

B-50, Jawahar Nagar Extention, Gurudham Colony, Bhelupura, Varanasi – 221010.

Gallbladder Surgery Health

What Are The Different Treatment Available For Gallstones

What Are The Different Treatment Available For Gallstones

As the name advocates, gallstones are shaped like stones and reside in the gallbladder. They are caused due to excess of cholesterol and bilirubin in the bile which is present in the gallbladder. Various factors play a significant part in the occurrence of gallstones. Some of them are as follows:

• Eating certain foods
• Not following a gallbladder-friendly diet
• Chronic constipation
• Gallbladder problems
• Liver diseases
• Certain chronic diseases like diabetes
• Blood disorders
• Genetics
• Excessive and abrupt weight loss by following a crash diet
• Obesity.

Today, the team of Varanasi Hospital shares with you both surgical and non-surgical treatment for gallstones. We would like to inform you that we provide surgical treatment – open and laparoscopic gallbladder stone surgery in our hospital for permanent expulsion or removal of gallstones.

1.Oral Medicines

Certain oral medications can be used to break down and liquify gallstones. The doctor might prescribe specific oral bile acid pills to the patient with few small-sized gallstones, cholesterol buildup stones, and for the ones who cannot undergo surgery. The only drawback of this treatment is that it takes years to dilute gallstones and is not a permanent cure as the gallstones can arise again after quitting medications.

2. ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)

ERCP is also used as a treatment for gallstones. In this method, an endoscope is placed inside the mouth to free the gallbladder with gallstones. The doctors can even put a biliary stent to unblock the bile duct.

3. ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy)

This is a non-surgical procedure in which shock waves are produced to rupture small gallstones. It is not suitable for people with hard and stubborn gallstones and obesity.

4. Open Gallbladder Stone Surgery

In open cholecystectomy, the gall bladder is removed (either partially or completely) as a long-term solution for gallstones. It is just like any other general surgery which requires the surgeon to slit open the abdomen to perform the treatment.

5. Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy follows the same principle of either partial or whole removal of the gallbladder to put a stop at gallstones to reappear again. This surgical approach is recommended by expert surgeons in a majority of gallstone cases due to its colossal benefits.

If you have finally planned to opt for a gallstones treatment, you can surely come to us for proper medical guidance without any second thoughts. We provide excellent treatment to our patients and if your case allows for a laparoscopic treatment then you will be under the observation of one of the best laparoscopic surgeons, Dr. Manish Jindal.


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Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.


I, Shail Bala Srivastava, known of Diabetic, Hypertensive and had heart attack & had undergone Bypass surgery. I was suffering from Gall Bladder Stone.


Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.

Our Location​​

B-50, Jawahar Nagar Extention, Gurudham Colony, Bhelupura, Varanasi – 221010.

Health Hernia Surgery Laparoscopic surgery

Why Choose Winter Months For Any Surgical Treatment

Why Choose Winter Months For Any Surgical Treatment

The holy city of Varanasi becomes more beautiful during the months of winter. With beautiful walks to the ghats, listening to mind-soothing Ganga aartis, Varanasi people surely knows how to enjoy winter. But did you know that the cooler months can also prove to be the best time for your operation?

Although there’s no specific time for performing operations, winter season is preferred by a good number of patients for any surgical treatment and even piercings.

Whether it’s general or laparoscopic surgery, the doctors prescribe the surgical procedure by taking certain parameters like the patient’s case history, his or her current condition, and other things into account.

Today, we are sharing with you a few reasons why you should consider cool winter months for your surgical treatment.

No Summer-related Problems



Summers in Varanasi are not so compassionate, as we have dry and humid summers, and we face strong and dry summer winds (called loo). Also, sunstrokes and heatstrokes are common summer problems faced by us.

Little To Moderate Sun Exposure



We often get our daily dose of Vitamin D during winters because the winter sun is warm and it has fewer chances of burning our skin. Surgical wounds are more likely to heal slower during summers as overexposure to the sun rays affects the healing of wounds. Surgical scars and wound heal more quickly during winter months.

Low Temperatures



Winters mean colder months and as we know, low temperatures amplify the healing and recovery process post-surgery. Not everyone has access to air-conditioning system and that makes winter season an ideal time for availing a surgery.

Better Protection To The Surgical Wounds



In winters, we wrap our bodies with multiple layers to feel warm. This also works well for surgical incisions as less expose our surgical wounds during winters without feeling hot, thus providing better protection to the post-surgical scars.

Starting The New Year With Good Health



A surgical procedure is overwhelming for the patient. If you have your laparoscopic surgery done during winters, of course, you’ll heal in no time and can welcome the new year with a big smile.

Happy And Enjoyable Summer



Getting your surgery performed during the cold season is best because it will let you enjoy your summer season without any trouble. Since you have dedicated the entire winter season for your post-surgery recovery, you do not have to worry about any surgery-related issues in summers.

An important thing to note is that just because winter season is considerable better for surgical treatment, it does not mean you should wait till winters in case of an urgent requirement for surgery. If you’re looking for a good hospital to get your surgical treatment, consider Varanasi Hospital as your preferred option. We specialize in laparoscopic surgeries and we have one of the best laparoscopic surgeons in our team. Till then, enjoy the upcoming months of winter.


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Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.


I, Shail Bala Srivastava, known of Diabetic, Hypertensive and had heart attack & had undergone Bypass surgery. I was suffering from Gall Bladder Stone.


Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.

Our Location​​

B-50, Jawahar Nagar Extention, Gurudham Colony, Bhelupura, Varanasi – 221010.

Gallbladder Surgery Laparoscopic surgery

6 Facts That Prove Laparoscopic Gallbladder Stone Surgery As The Best

6 Facts That Prove Laparoscopic Gallbladder Stone Surgery As The Best

Gallbladder stone surgery or laparoscopic cholecystectomy is performed by removing the gall bladder of the patient as a permanent treatment for gall stones. This surgical process can be accomplished by both open and laparoscopic method, but as evident, the laparoscopic approach is considered much safer and beneficial for almost everyone.

As gall stones are a common phenomenon and the only preferred and suitable way to treat them is by undergoing a laparoscopic procedure, so today, we are providing you with some facts on laparoscopic gall bladder stone surgery for your awareness.

Here are facts about laparoscopic cholecystectomy:

Keyhole Surgery For A Reason

There’s a reason we call laparoscopic approach the “minimally-invasive” surgery. It is because the laparoscopic surgeons can perform this surgical procedure with just four small surgical incisions instead of making the usual 6-inch cut as seen in open cholecystectomy.

Discharge Within A Couple Of Days

In case of laparoscopic gallbladder removal surgery, short hospitalization is a reality. The patients do get an early discharge which leads to early return to work.

Preserves Cosmetic Appearance

Surely, health comes first before beauty and appearance, but if there’s a surgical method which benefits both your health and appearance, would you not consider it? The reason why laparoscopic gallbladder stone surgery is popular is because it does not leave an everlasting and hideous scar on the abdomen. The incision scars disappear in due course of time.

No Recurrence Of Gall Stones

Since gallbladder is not an organ needed for survival, the doctors have no problem removing it if it’s full of gall stones. Once the gallbladder is removed, the bile produced by the liver is directly transferred to the intestines so the doctor recommends a specific diet that can be followed by patients of both laparoscopic cholecystectomies and non-surgical treatments (for example, ESWL, Oral bile acid pills, and Sphincterotomy).

Avoiding Certain Foods

Certain dietary precautions have to be taken after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, for a quick and early recovery.


Most people find it unbelievable, but it’s a truth that laparoscopic gallbladder stone surgery is more economical than open cholecystectomy. The reasons are as follows:

– shorter hospital stays
– hardly any need for blood transfusion
– fewer spendings on medications.

If you’re on the lookout for a well-reputed hospital in Uttar Pradesh for laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, your search is over because laparoscopic cholecystectomy is performed at Varanasi Hospital with the best of all medical equipment and expert surgeons.

Book Appoinment Today!

Recent Post



Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.


I, Shail Bala Srivastava, known of Diabetic, Hypertensive and had heart attack & had undergone Bypass surgery. I was suffering from Gall Bladder Stone.


Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.

Our Location​​

B-50, Jawahar Nagar Extention, Gurudham Colony, Bhelupura, Varanasi – 221010.