Varanasi Hospital

Eat These Foods To Prevent Gallstones

The gallbladder is an organ that resembles the shape of a pear and is placed underneath the liver. The basic or fundamental function of the gallbladder is to collect, store and concentrate bile produced by the liver. Following a gallbladder- friendly diet is important or else it will lead to gallstones, that might lead to serious problems like cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis, etc.
If you are already suffering from gallstones, then you should take special care of your diet.

Gallstones reoccur frequently so doctors can recommend gallbladder stone surgery for its cure.

Gallstones are a common gallbladder issue that can be checked by making some alterations in your diet so that your risk of developing gallstones is reduced to some degree. Here are some foods that you can eat to prevent gallstones:

Whole Grains


Replace refined foods with whole-grain foods like oats, whole wheat bread, brown rice, buckwheat, as they are a healthier alternative of refined foods.

High fiber foods


Foods that have a high fiber content can reduce the risk of gallstones formation. Mention of few examples of high fiber foods can be made of- flaxseeds, black beans, kidney beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, apricots, sweet potatoes, chia seeds, and soybeans.

·Fresh fruits and vegetables:Eating an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables daily improves gallbladder’s health. So eat fruits and vegetables like,
– Oranges
– Lemons
– Apples
– Tomatoes
– Beetroot
– Cauliflower
– Broccoli
– Okra or lady’s finger
– Cabbage

Healthy Fats


Include foods with healthy fats such as- walnuts, almonds, olive oil, fish, cashews, coconut oil, eggs, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pistachios, and yogurt, as they improve gallbladder’s health and prevent gallstones.

Iron-rich Foods


Several studies have confirmed that low-iron intake is linked with gallstones. So, consume more iron by adding high-iron foods like spinach, mushrooms, chicken liver, dried apricots, dark chocolate, unpeeled potatoes in your food.



Caffeine present in coffee reduces the risk of having gallstones but consider drinking coffee to a moderate level.

In conclusion, following a healthy diet and an active lifestyle has good effects on your gallbladder’s health. If you have any gallbladder related concerns, do not hesitate to ask for professional help from us, the best hospital in Varanasi.

Read More:- Avoid 5 Five Food Items, If You Are Suffering From Gallstones

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I, Shail Bala Srivastava, known of Diabetic, Hypertensive and had heart attack & had undergone Bypass surgery. I was suffering from Gall Bladder Stone.


Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.

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