Varanasi Hospital aims to provide the best treatment for gallbladder stones in the northern India. Gallstones can be addressed in various ways. The most appropriate treatment is suggested to patients upon a series of tests carried out by our experienced team of doctors. Laparoscopic Gallbladder Stone Operation is recommended to treat gallstones for once and for all. Before listing out its benefits, lets know about gallstones, in brief.
Bile is a fluid, that is secreted by liver which helps in the digestion of fats. When bile juice does not empty completely, these solidifies to form stones, within the gallbladder are hence they are termed as called gallstones. There are 2 types of gallstones, as per their composition:
• Cholesterol Stones which are formed when there is too much cholesterol in the bile. They are yellow, green, brown or white in color. Most gallstones belong to this category.
• Pigment Stones which are formed when there is too much bilirubin in the bile. These are smaller and are usually dark brown in color. Pigment stones accounts for only around 15 % of the gallstones cases.
Apart form their composition, gallstones can also be classifieds on the basis the number it forms. Gallbladder stones can either form in solitary or can also develop in multiple numbers in the gallbladder. The amount of deposits hardened in the gallbladder determines the size of the stone. It can be either as small as a sand grain or as big as a hockey ball.
Gallstone can be treated either through open surgery or laparoscopic surgery. Patients tend to have many queries regarding the advanced gallstone surgery and generally get nervous seeing the modern medical equipment of laparoscopic gallstone operation, since most of the people are familiar with the traditional open surgeries itself. However, gallbladder stone removal through laparoscopic surgery is becoming the more favoured procedure.
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is another name for Laparoscopic Gallstone Operation. Three to four incisions are made and a camera is inserted via one of the incisions to perform the surgery, in this method. This operation procedure is preferred by Varanasi Hospital as it offers the following benefits to the patient.
• Best cosmetic results with minimum scars of operation.
• Much shorter stay at the hospital
• Lesser risks of pain and other surgical complications
• Quick recovery and return to work
Varanasi Hospital specializes in gallstone treatment for years and we recommend laparoscopic surgery for the best possible treatment.
B-50, Jawahar Nagar Extention, Gurudham Colony, Bhelupura, Varanasi – 221010.