Varanasi Hospital

Health Laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery Procedures Available At Varanasi Hospital

Laparoscopic Surgery Procedures Available At Varanasi Hospital

Varanasi Hospital, a renowned hospital situated in Bhelupra, Varanasi offers several laparoscopic surgical procedures to the patients at economical rates and a guarantee of higher success. In a laparoscopic surgical technique, instead of making one large incision, the laparoscopic surgeons make some smaller incisions and employ special surgical tools for the patient’s treatment. There are many reasons why laparoscopic surgery is considered better than general or open surgery. Let’s mention a few of them.

• Zero risk of infections
• No blood loss
• No scars due to minor surgical cuts
• Almost no pain
• Higher success rate
• Quick recovery
• Early discharge (if compared to general surgery)
• Inexpensive (when compared to open surgery)
• Speedy recovery.

Today, Varanasi Hospital, the best hospital in Varanasi will highlight some of the laparoscopic surgery procedures available at our hospital. So, let’s take a quick look at them.

Laparoscopic Gallbladder Stone Surgery


In a laparoscopic gallbladder stone surgery, the entire or partial portion of the gallbladder is removed as a permanent treatment for gallstones. Laparoscopic gallbladder stone operation is also known as laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery


In a majority of cases, hernia requires surgical treatment. At Varanasi Hospital, we provide laparoscopic hernia repair surgery to all our patients. To prevent the recurrence of a hernia, we use surgical mesh to make usual stitches on the surgical area.

Laparoscopic Rectopexy


Rectal prolapse is a troublesome situation which requires immediate surgery. We offer laparoscopic rectopexy or rectal prolapse surgery in our hospital.

Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy


At Varanasi Hospital, we have a gynaecology department that treats ovarian cysts through laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy

Laparoscopic Appendectomy


Laparoscopic surgical treatment for appendicitis is available at Varanasi Hospital. In a laparoscopic appendectomy, we remove the inflamed appendix to avoid any situation of a ruptured appendix in the future.

Visit Varanasi Hospital, one of the best hospitals in Varanasi to receive premium laparoscopic surgical treatment from the most experienced and well-known laparoscopic surgeon, Dr Manish Jindal.


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Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.


I, Shail Bala Srivastava, known of Diabetic, Hypertensive and had heart attack & had undergone Bypass surgery. I was suffering from Gall Bladder Stone.


Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.

Our Location​​

B-50, Jawahar Nagar Extention, Gurudham Colony, Bhelupura, Varanasi – 221010.

Health Laparoscopic surgery

Varanasi Hospital: The Top Hospital For Laparoscopic Surgery In Varanasi

Varanasi Hospital: The Top Hospital For Laparoscopic Surgery In Varanasi

Varanasi Hospital is a medical institution that believes in treating patients with affection and compassion. We always thrive to make ourselves better for the patients. In our hospital, we offer general or open and laparoscopic surgery. Our hospital is celebrated for its affordability and cashless hospitalization.
Laparoscopic surgeries have supplanted general surgeries in countless cases. It is no surprise as the former has numerous advantages over open surgery. A few merits of laparoscopic surgical approach are mentioned below:

• Minor surgical incisions
• Shorter stay at the hospital
• Almost painless
• No scars
• Preserves cosmetic appearance
• Low chances of infections
• Reduced blood loss
• Less expensive than general surgery
• Fewer complications compared to traditional open surgeries
• Sooner recovery and return to normal life.


Since we are specialists in laparoscopic surgeries, here we would like to throw some light on the laparoscopic procedures available in our hospital. Varanasi Hospital offers the following laparoscopic treatment:

1. Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Surgery:


A hernia is never self-treated and during the initial stages, laparoscopic treatment becomes possible. In laparoscopic hernia surgery, a hernia is treated by making four incisions of smaller size through the abdomen and to prevent future recurrence of the hernia, the laparoscopic surgeons make stitches by using surgical mesh.

2. Laparoscopic Pancreas Surgery:


We offer laparoscopic surgical treatment for chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). We either remove the damaged part or the entire pancreas as per the patient’s medical requirement.

3. Laparoscopic Gall Stone Operation:


Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is available at Varanasi Hospital. In this surgical procedure, the gallbladder is removed to avoid the recurrence of gallstones.

4. Laparoscopic Appendix Surgery:


In laparoscopic appendectomy, doctors remove the patient’s diseased appendix to circumvent the bursting of the appendix which is a fatal situation.

5. Laparoscopic Hysterectomy:


At Varanasi Hospital, laparoscopic hysterectomy is possible. Hysterectomy is the permanent removal of woman’s uterus due to medical reasons like uterine fibroids, endometrial cancer, uterine prolapse, adenomyosis, and other female reproductive conditions.

6. Laparoscopic Rectopexy:


We treat rectal prolapse through laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy.

Why choose Varanasi Hospital? Well, because of the following reasons:



• Team of expert medical professionals, we have Dr. Manish Jindal, one of the famous and experienced laparoscopic surgeons in our institute
• Decent infrastructure
• Well-equipped with quality medical equipment
• Latest facilities
• Economical medical care
• Cashless treatment.

Book an online appointment for your laparoscopic surgery with us.

Book Appoinment Toady!

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Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.


I, Shail Bala Srivastava, known of Diabetic, Hypertensive and had heart attack & had undergone Bypass surgery. I was suffering from Gall Bladder Stone.


Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.

Our Location​​

B-50, Jawahar Nagar Extention, Gurudham Colony, Bhelupura, Varanasi – 221010.

Gallbladder Surgery

Get Advanced Laparoscopic Gall Stone Operation In Varanasi Hospitals

Get Advanced Laparoscopic Gall Stone Operation In Varanasi Hospitals

Varanasi Hospital aims to provide the best treatment for gallbladder stones in the northern India. Gallstones can be addressed in various ways. The most appropriate treatment is suggested to patients upon a series of tests carried out by our experienced team of doctors. Laparoscopic Gallbladder Stone Operation is recommended to treat gallstones for once and for all. Before listing out its benefits, lets know about gallstones, in brief.

Types Of Gallstones :

Bile is a fluid, that is secreted by liver which helps in the digestion of fats. When bile juice does not empty completely, these solidifies to form stones, within the gallbladder are hence they are termed as called gallstones. There are 2 types of gallstones, as per their composition:

• Cholesterol Stones which are formed when there is too much cholesterol in the bile. They are yellow, green, brown or white in color. Most gallstones belong to this category.

• Pigment Stones which are formed when there is too much bilirubin in the bile. These are smaller and are usually dark brown in color. Pigment stones accounts for only around 15 % of the gallstones cases.

Apart form their composition, gallstones can also be classifieds on the basis the number it forms. Gallbladder stones can either form in solitary or can also develop in multiple numbers in the gallbladder. The amount of deposits hardened in the gallbladder determines the size of the stone. It can be either as small as a sand grain or as big as a hockey ball.

Gallstone Operation Procedures And Benefits Of Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery :

Gallstone can be treated either through open surgery or laparoscopic surgery. Patients tend to have many queries regarding the advanced gallstone surgery and generally get nervous seeing the modern medical equipment of laparoscopic gallstone operation, since most of the people are familiar with the traditional open surgeries itself. However, gallbladder stone removal through laparoscopic surgery is becoming the more favoured procedure.

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is another name for Laparoscopic Gallstone Operation. Three to four incisions are made and a camera is inserted via one of the incisions to perform the surgery, in this method. This operation procedure is preferred by Varanasi Hospital as it offers the following benefits to the patient.

• Best cosmetic results with minimum scars of operation.
• Much shorter stay at the hospital
• Lesser risks of pain and other surgical complications
• Quick recovery and return to work

Varanasi Hospital specializes in gallstone treatment for years and we recommend laparoscopic surgery for the best possible treatment.


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Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.


I, Shail Bala Srivastava, known of Diabetic, Hypertensive and had heart attack & had undergone Bypass surgery. I was suffering from Gall Bladder Stone.


Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.

Our Location​​

B-50, Jawahar Nagar Extention, Gurudham Colony, Bhelupura, Varanasi – 221010.


Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery Brings The Innovation

Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery Brings The Innovation

When it comes to gallbladder surgery, most of the people consider it to be an open surgery where the surgeon makes a big incision near the waist and executes the surgery. Then the next 20 to 30 days are spent on the hospital bed for recovery. However, there has been a breakthrough in the concerned matter in form of Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery.

Laparoscopic surgery is a modern-day medical solution that offers patients a lesser-invasive solution to surgery. Also known as keyhole surgery, the surgery consists of using minimally invasive tools that make a small hole in the concerned area. Through the small incision, the surgeon inserts a camera along with other medical tools for operation. The visuals from the camera are seen on the attached screen in the operation theatre, therefore, allowing the surgeon to get a clear insight of the area that is to be operated.

In the case of laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, the surgeon follows the same procedure and operates on the patient’ concerned area. The innovation comes with a series of benefits for patients.

  • Faster recovery – The foremost benefit of keyhole surgery is that the recovery is remarkably fast. Some surgeons have also claimed that patients were discharged within 72 hours from date of surgery.

  • Less pain – Another aspect of keyhole surgery is that it causes very little pain. Since the incision is small, the patient feels minor discomfort while he or she is being operated and during recovery. In comparison to open surgery, patients have confessed that the process was more comfortable.

  • Lifestyle adjustment – Usually patients who have undergone laparoscopic surgery resume to their routine lifestyle within a month. This means that activities such as running, working out, etc., are absolutely fine just after 30 days of operation. However, approval from the surgeon is mandatory before committing such actions.

Thus, we find that under Laparoscopic Gallbladder surgery there is innovation that not only helps surgeons to overcome the persisting problems in open surgery (such as poor visibility with the naked eye, etc.), but also helps patients to recover faster. Even developing cities in India, like Varanasi, Laparoscopic surgery is available. This means that quality healthcare is spreading across India and people from all caste, creed and gender can avail the same. Nonetheless, there are certain medical conditions where the surgeon might not support keyhole surgery and advice the patients to undergo open surgery. It is crucial to consider both the alternatives before finalizing the one to go with.

Book Appoinment Today!

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Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.


I, Shail Bala Srivastava, known of Diabetic, Hypertensive and had heart attack & had undergone Bypass surgery. I was suffering from Gall Bladder Stone.


Few years back I had developed Gallstones and life became very difficult since then. Thanks to Dr. Manish Jindal, who guided to a safe solution through gallstones surgery.


I was suffering from Hernia and the pain was unbearable. Varanasi Hospital gave me a new life by eradicating this problem. Thank you Dr. B. N. Prasad.

Our Location​​

B-50, Jawahar Nagar Extention, Gurudham Colony, Bhelupura, Varanasi – 221010.


6 Things to Do After Getting a Gallbladder Removal Surgery

6 Things to Do After Getting a Gallbladder Removal Surgery

The human body has been designed perfectly, where every organ has its specific function. None can be compensated entirely by the others. The organs that are present in a pair have Bette shots, but the single ones face several medical issues upon malfunction. One of such issues arise after laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, in which the gallbladder is removed permanently.


Common Symptoms of Gallbladder Diseases and When to Seek Treatment

Common Symptoms of Gallbladder Diseases and When to Seek Treatment

The human body is made up of several organs, where each of them, plays an important role. But often, the gallbladder isn’t one of the organs that usually gets a decent amount of consideration, unless it is causing severe pain and needs laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. The gallbladder is a sac like small organ, which it located beneath the liver.


Gallbladder Polyps: Is it harmless or Can it be cancerous?

Gallbladder Polyps: Is it harmless or Can it be cancerous?

There are certain organs without which one cannot even survive a few minutes such as the brain. But certain organs such as gallbladder, can be removed without jeopardizing the life of the patient. Gallbladder, even being essential to perform several functions, yet removing it permanently through a laparoscopic gallbladder surgery does not put the life of the individual into any serious threat.


What To Eat And What To Not For Healthy Gallbladder?

What To Eat And What To Not For Healthy Gallbladder?

One of the most used terms among the people nowadays is dieting. But most of the people are not even aware of what it exactly means. It means to consume the proper amount of nutrients and not stay hungry in order to lose weight. Diet is one of the most important aspect of healthy living. Let’s discuss the healthy foods for gall bladder, along with the unhealthy ones.


Common Bile Duct Exploration – What Happens Before, During & After Surgery?

Common Bile Duct Exploration – What Happens Before, During & After Surgery?

The gallbladder is a small organ located beneath the liver. Altogether, gallbladder and liver play an important role in digestion of food by producing and channeling a digestive juice called bile. This channel is called common bile duct. If anything blocks this passage, it results into a back flow of the bile into liver. This condition is called jaundice and it can be distinguished by yellowing of skin and eye. The blockage in this channel can be detected by Common bile duct (CBD) exploration. It is one of the common procedures for gallstone operation in Varanasi.


All About Gallstones And Its Treatment

All About Gallstones And Its Treatment

Gallbladder is an organ situated under the liver and helps in digestion. Gallstones are concentrated cholesterol particles that form within the gallbladder. About 80% of gallstones are comprised of cholesterol and rest 20% comprised of calcium salts and bilirubin.