So, what makes the rectum of a person leave its designated position? Today, Varanasi Hospital, the renowned hospital in Varanasi is exactly going to address this situation, which in medical terms is called rectal prolapse.
Let’s first understand the blameworthy causes behind this unappealing and exasperating situation.
We all have two anal sphincter muscles – internal and external. The external muscles’s function is to hold stool inside the rectum and support continence. The moment they turn weak, the moment the patient faces incontinence and become incompetent to hold stool normally. There are many reasons for inept anal sphincter muscles which we have mentioned below:
– Vaginal childbirth
– Trauma or injury to the area might be due to anal intercourse, constant straining, etc.
– Ageing
– Certain diseases associated with inflammatory bowel disease
– Chronic diseases, like diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and so on.
– Rectal surgery.
If you have to constantly and deliberately strain in order to get a bowel movement, then you have chronic constipation that needs to be diagnosed immediately. Persistent putting pressure on your anal muscles because of facing continual constipation is surely going to make the anal muscles lose their power. Avoid constipation by drinking plenty of fluids and never ignore your bowel movement and use the washroom the moment you get one. Holding your bowel movement makes the stool gets re-absorbed in the colon, resulting in hard faeces and constipation.
It has been observed that old age is linked to weak anal and pelvic floor muscles which in turns lead to a prolapsed rectum. As we grow old, we deal with several health-related conditions, so get regular health check-ups from the best hospital in Varanasi, because health matters.
If you notice symptoms, like bleeding in the rectum, faecal incontinence, and pain in the anal region, then do not delay getting a diagnosis followed by the proper treatment. You would be glad to know that rectal prolapse can be treated even through laparoscopic surgery. Our eminent laparoscopic surgeon, Dr Manish Jindal is here to treat your protruding rectum with the aid of laparoscopic rectopexy.
It is always good to prevent a medical situation in the first place, so avoid constipation, malnutrition, trauma and injury to the area. In case of any medical help, reach Varanasi Hospital, the most affordable hospital in Varanasi.
B-50, Jawahar Nagar Extention, Gurudham Colony, Bhelupura, Varanasi – 221010.